Sunday, 5 August 2018

Monday morning and I get a text out of the blue. Liz, the organizer of Seppii's farewell party has been in touch and has a surprise, she asks me to call her. Seppii sleeps most days until dinner time and my phone reception in the room is appalling. Never mind, she texts, I can send you the details in a message so you don't have to worry about leaving Seppii.

Liz had asked Seppii if there was anything at all that she wanted and Sep had said she would love a pair of new comfy Pjs for going on the London trip. The owner of Boo Hoo had offered to help and wanted to come and meet Seppii. Liz told her to choose five hundred pounds of Boo Hoo products and they would bring them along with them on Tuesday! can you believe that? five hundred pounds! what a fabulous offer.

Tuesday morning and the Boo Hoo lady arrived along with her friend and Liz. Seppii hadn't managed to get through the five hundred pounds so they had brought her a voucher along so she could shop at her own leisure, along with a huge gift bag from "Pretty Little Thing". Seppii was overwhelmed.

What an absolutely wonderful thing they did for Seppii but you know the most precious thing they all gave Seppii was their time. They spent over two hours just chatting, laughing and having fun. It was brilliant to see her so happy.

1 comment:

  1. Two hours of happiness and laughter.......priceless! What a wonderful and very kind gesture....thank you so much ladies. 😘😘😘😘
